Friday, April 12, 2013

Find Your Peace...

I haven't blogged for a while because I have been sooooooo involved in family needs and quite honestly there was little room for ME. I have no regrets about the hand that was dealt me, as I know that ultimately God's plan for me is multi-faceted and the journey has been great; replete with bumps and bruises. I lost my mom last October, after a long battle with kidney failure and congestive heart failure. Every moment she suffered in the end felt like someone was gently squeezing life out of me too. My mom was both my daily laugh buddy and "contender in the ring." We battled hard, but laughed harder. I knew my mom loved me and wanted my success, at times more than her own. I relied on her to just BE THERE and to HEAR me and she never let me down. I wrestled with her for years because I wanted her to WANT to live, but her body was breaking down and it was taking her strength in every way imaginable. My son and I just couldn't grasp how this giant of a woman could be whittling away before our eyes. I think we were both in serious denial until the very end.

I worked to protect my son from the seriousness and made sure that we went to spend quality time with her. At that same time he was finishing his senior year of high school and wanting to finish well. As many of you know, my son has had many academic challenges, due in part to being born three months early. 1 lb/14 ozs at birth, he overcame many of his challenges, but still struggles with spacial issues. His junior year he miraculously developed his own methods to become victorious in studying, so I was finally able to rest in that area...

One thing that was constant for me is that I realized that there were times that I had to set aside, no matter how small, to breathe and thank God for what was my TRUTH. Yes, situations may go wrong... Yes, you may have presumably fallen off track... Yes, outside forces like family matters, may be in disrepair. But we have to rest in knowing we are doing what we can and we have to trust God to be God... Not just in OUR lives, but in the lives of those we touch everyday. There is no peace in trying to be God for people. Love yourself and others, pray for yourself and others and do what gives you peace, not pressure. Pray also that God will show you how to know the difference. I pray this message gives someone RELEASE AND RELIEF.

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