Friday, April 19, 2013

BE Who You Are...

This installment is very near and dear to me as a mother of two chicks who have just made their first foray into the WORLD. Both are full-time college students, both are taking intelligent risks and failing occasionally, but learning the truth about resiliency. They both have been given a foundation, coming from totally different beginnings -- one born three months premature, the other spending far too many years in foster care. My children who are now adults, know the love of God and family and it shows in how compassionate they are to those who need it most.

I think they are closer to living their best lives than I ever was at their ages. I'd like to think I had something to do with that, but ultimately I think it is more the path that God made for each of them. We all have the choice to stay on that divine path or detour occasionally, sometimes suffering the consequences. Truthfully, there are no surprises. We wake each day and we decide much of what leads to our daily outcomes - good or bad. Life is full of opportunities, sometimes minute-by-minute to make not just good choices, but God choices -- Those choices that will guide us to purpose; the answers to the WHYs of our lives.

For many years I was trapped; maybe in a cocoon of sorts. Many things happened in my life to cause me to want to be liked and accepted. Wanting to say the right things always -- Never ever to offend anyone with telling them the truth. Those thoughts by themselves are not harmful or far-fetched. But coupled together with an unhealthy concept of God and religion... *my Christian friends' antennas just went up - chuckle* I was so religious at a point in my life that I negated all that Jesus taught in his short life. I ruled myself with an iron fist and beat myself up for considering enjoying anything outside the four walls of the church. I love God, I serve a risen Savior in Jesus the Christ - Yeshua and I love God's creation - not just the Christian ones.

Before I professed the Lord, Jesus, I spent a good deal of time around people of various ethnic backgrounds/cultures. I tried different foods, listened to different genres of music, visited wonderful places... I experienced great pains and even greater achievements and victories. The path that I have traveled can not have been for NOTHING at all! A few years ago, I began to feel the cocoon crack.

I left a job I hated and started my own company. I can not tell you how liberating that was. The old me would never have considered such a thing. I was always a scared bird who talked big, but did little to change things when I was unhappy; hence the gastrointestinal issues I later suffered. Now some would say... "That's not true." Yes, I have made some life choices that some would consider "daring," long before quitting my job, but I always quivered inside -- hoping that my decision would not be too hurtful and believing deep down that SOMEONE was really disappointed in my decision.

I have come to learn and embrace that every experience and lesson, every victory, every failure and misstep, every gain and loss, every appreciation AND disappointment has all been combined to form a big loving pot of ME. And there is always enough of me to go around, as long as I don't serve up TOO much. As long as I'm truly LIVING life, I will never be empty. Abundant life is restorative and healthy. That may or may not extend to health in my body, as everyone has a day/hour to leave this life. But while I am here, I am going to BE all of ME. My relationships are more genuine and richer -- I pray to see purpose in those I encounter. Being me doesn't give me license or even extra time to critique everyone in the world. The best of us doesn't have to be harmful or unkind to be truthful (that's often pain speaking), nor do we have to permit others to inflict or deflect their pain on us. Be HONEST, know LOVE, give LOVE and BE YOU. Hope this helps someone. Remember God's faithfulness.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Love and the Single Woman

To date or not to date... As humans it's quite natural to long for companionship. The longing itself is far from harmful, but often we allow ourselves to be guided by the longing. Scrreeeech! Let's stop right here for a minute! Why in the world would you be screening applicants when you haven't quite finished developing the business plan? Simply put, you may not be ready for a companion... yet!

How fulfilled are you? Does having a man or woman in your life signify fulfillment? If so, quit that! LOL! I don't mean to make light of loneliness. Who hasn't felt lonely at some point in life? The goal is not to LIVE lonely. LIVING lonely is no LIFE at all. Some time ago, over 16 years ago really, I decided to divorce my 1st and only husband so far. I get questions all the time about how it is I am "still single". "What's wrong with you???" That's my favorite! *smirk*

I have dated a bit and even been engaged, but I do it with my eyes wide open. I have come to admire women who have remained single and fulfilled for any length of time. Not because marriage is a bad thing; quite the contrary... Marriage is beautiful when two people really "get it." But lop-sided love is way too prevalent in our society and some people refuse to be a part of that club. *hand raised* Being single has given me the "opportunity" to be a focused and engaged mom to my two children. I have also been emotionally free to love-on and care for my ailing mom until the moment she transitioned last year. My friendships have greater depth and value. My father and I have grown even closer. God is not just some fictional character in a book for me; I value people and myself through my spiritual growth.

Having God in my life has taught me and continues to teach me LOVE. The more I love myself the less cynical I am. And believe me I use to be one of the biggest cynics I know. I use to think every good that was done was questionable. My UNSOLICITED opinion was all that mattered, but yours was interesting... LOL! Don't get me wrong... I'm still opinionated, but today it's easier to allow love -- love of GOD, love of SELF, and love of OTHERS (pretty much in that order) to guide what opinions I share and how I share them. And I realized that I DECIDE who enters the inner circle - the most vulnerable place.

Love of self is how I guide my decision making and daily choices. God taught me how to love myself and that is a precious gift, because I didn't always love ME and it showed in every area. My focus now is finishing my book and being a success in all that God allows me to put my hands to, including my businesses and projects. Love of self has given me fulfillment. Now if in the course of living this life, God brings a man who knows how to love... I will receive him with open arms, literally! As you focus on fulfillment, love inevitably comes in various forms. #LoveonYourself #LoveonOthers #GodIsLove

Friday, April 12, 2013

Find Your Peace...

I haven't blogged for a while because I have been sooooooo involved in family needs and quite honestly there was little room for ME. I have no regrets about the hand that was dealt me, as I know that ultimately God's plan for me is multi-faceted and the journey has been great; replete with bumps and bruises. I lost my mom last October, after a long battle with kidney failure and congestive heart failure. Every moment she suffered in the end felt like someone was gently squeezing life out of me too. My mom was both my daily laugh buddy and "contender in the ring." We battled hard, but laughed harder. I knew my mom loved me and wanted my success, at times more than her own. I relied on her to just BE THERE and to HEAR me and she never let me down. I wrestled with her for years because I wanted her to WANT to live, but her body was breaking down and it was taking her strength in every way imaginable. My son and I just couldn't grasp how this giant of a woman could be whittling away before our eyes. I think we were both in serious denial until the very end.

I worked to protect my son from the seriousness and made sure that we went to spend quality time with her. At that same time he was finishing his senior year of high school and wanting to finish well. As many of you know, my son has had many academic challenges, due in part to being born three months early. 1 lb/14 ozs at birth, he overcame many of his challenges, but still struggles with spacial issues. His junior year he miraculously developed his own methods to become victorious in studying, so I was finally able to rest in that area...

One thing that was constant for me is that I realized that there were times that I had to set aside, no matter how small, to breathe and thank God for what was my TRUTH. Yes, situations may go wrong... Yes, you may have presumably fallen off track... Yes, outside forces like family matters, may be in disrepair. But we have to rest in knowing we are doing what we can and we have to trust God to be God... Not just in OUR lives, but in the lives of those we touch everyday. There is no peace in trying to be God for people. Love yourself and others, pray for yourself and others and do what gives you peace, not pressure. Pray also that God will show you how to know the difference. I pray this message gives someone RELEASE AND RELIEF.